🐒The Team

Alice Wong (awkwardalz)

Creative Director (Twitter)


  • Data analysis

  • Automation and process optimization

  • Coding Discord bots, VBA & Javascript for data analysis

  • Pixel art, acrylic painting

Fun fact:

  • Female engineer, aced all honor physics and advanced calculus courses at school

  • Awkward but likes making friends in the web3 space

  • Cannot cook and is very bad at gaming


CTO / Lead Developer (Twitter)


  • Computer Engineering background

  • Experienced in smart contracts on Arbitrum / BSC / Ethereum

  • Stayed home for a coding marathon during the covid-19 pandemic for 6 weeks without eating out a single time.

Fun Facts

  • Has OCD in codes

  • Has a Furby


COO (Chief OO OO AA AA Officer) (Twitter)


  • Social Media Marketing

  • PR background

  • SEO Optimization

  • Community Management

Fun Facts

  • Can eat a Filet-O-Fish in one bite

  • Serial TV show binger

  • Favorite cocktail: Bear Fight


Marketing Manager (Twitter)


  • Chinese copywriting

  • Former journalist, media background

  • Has wild imagination

Fun Facts

  • Doesn't get fat no matter how much he eats

  • Gets Asian flush with one sip of wine

  • Left-handed

Joseph Germani

Head of Community (Twitter)


  • Web 2 Content Creator

  • Social Media

  • Community's Bestfriend

Fun Facts

  • Grade Skipper

  • Has 200+ pairs of Sneakers

  • Starred & Cameoed in 3 Feature Films




  • Computer Science background

  • Fullstack developer on Ethereum

Fun Facts

  • Coffeeholic, can't survive without coffee

  • Can't study while listening to music


Solana Advisor


  • Been writing some code since the age of 8

  • FPS / RTS games

  • Typical geek things like math, physics and life sciences

Fun Facts

  • Likes to do water sports even though not very good at those

  • ... because subconsciously he feels he's a sea lion in a previous life

Alpha Hunters

Our alpha hunters look for alpha and collab opportunities on behalf of the Kingdom. If you are running a project and are reached out by someone claiming to be our Alpha Hunter, please double check if their Discord IDs and twitter handles match with the following to ensure they are the real deal!


Discord ID: 278917982204198913

Discord ID: t827493952776830986

[ΞL S◎L] | ELJAY#5767FlyingSpud#5348

Discord ID: 752922044643147807

Discord ID: 904776367642673222

Last updated