
The Monkey Kingdom logo is a combination of the wordmark and our icon. It is an easily recognisable brand element and should be represented consistently throughout our product and marketing efforts. The logo should exist with the icon and wordmark together. In no way should the logo be modified, distorted or redrawn.

We’ve rearranged the wordmark in to two lines and minimising the leading for a more compact application. This version should be utilised wherever spatial capacity does not allow for the use of our full horizontal format.

In color

The black logo can be used in print and digital, on light backgrounds.

The white logo can also be used in print and digital applications against brand colours and dark backgrounds.

Logo Clear Space

When utilising our logo in any application, whether for print or digital usage, the width and height of the ‘M’ must be allowed around all edges of the logotype as clear space. This is done to ensure that the logo is visually distinct and to protect its legibility across all applications.

Logo Icon

Our logo icon is a stand alone element that’s also a part of our logo, which is symbolic as the Monkey King’s golden headband.

The icon should be used as the minimised form of our primary logo in tight spaces. Using it against dark backgrounds should always be the favourite option. For any other use cases, black or white version is allowed.

Icon Clear Space

When utilising our logo icon in any application, whether for print or digital usage, the vertical stroke from one half of the golden headband motif must be allowed around all edges of the icon as clear space. This is done to ensure that the secondary logo is visually distinct and to protect its legibility across all applications.

Last updated